Valve acquires Firewatch devs, Campo Santo


Former game developer and current PC game platform arbiter Valve has a pretty solid history when it comes to making video games. Granted, they haven’t really developed any video games recently, but the possibility has always been there. With a recent purchase, Valve will soon be making games again! Don’t get your hopes up, though, it’s not going to be the game you really want Valve to make. Developers of the widely acclaimed PC game Firewatch, Campo Santo, have confirmed that they’ve been acquired by Valve and will be moving up to Seattle to join the team.

In order to quell the anxiety that many of their fans probably felt, Campo Santo quickly reassured their fans that though they’re moving to a company that really no longer makes games, their team will still make games. Specifically, they’ll be finishing up their current project, In the Valley of Gods, and will continue to support Firewatch. They elaborated on why this is such a good match for them in a blog post:

First, we really like making video games. Furthermore, and perhaps more accurately, we really like making and producing entertainment. From the day-to-day production of our last game, Firewatch, to the way we run the company, make merchandise, meet players at expos and shows, send out a quarterly literary journal, throw open-to-the-public game demos in the middle of an artificial forest—all of it is geared towards surprising, delighting, and entertaining the customers who have shared in our success.

In Valve we found a group of folks who, to their core, feel the same way about the work that they do (this, you may be surprised to learn, doesn’t happen every day). In us, they found a group with unique experience and valuable, diverse perspectives. It quickly became an obvious match.

The developers are excited, Valve seems to be excited, seems to be a win-win at least as long as Campo Santo continues to develop games and doesn’t fall into the non-game-making rut that Valve seems to have found itself in recently (yes, I know Valve is working on some DOTA2 card game, but really Valve, just make HL3 already!).

What do you think about this acquisition? Tell us all about it in the comment section below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Campo Santo[/button]

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