MeWe social announces $27M investment led by McCourt Global


MeWe social was one of the most talked about social platforms when Google+ shut down. Many Google+ users, including myself, migrated to MeWe social over platforms like Mastadon and Vero. But over the last year or two, political waves have created other platforms, and social media has become less social and more tribal.

The creation of Twitter offshoots like GETTR and Parler has taken some of the steam out of the MeWe social sails, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t growing. The company just announced a $27M investment led by McCourt Global. The round included $12 million from previous investors and $15 million in strategic financing from McCourt Global. Led by CEO Frank McCourt, “McCourt Global is committed to building a better future through its work across the real estate, sports, technology, media, and finance industries and its significant philanthropic activities.”

MeWe social was one of the first new social media platforms to champion the idea of privacy first. The company does not sell user data, and they do not censor users. Of course, they have guidelines and terms of use that are basic and just good practice. MeWe also says they avoid algorithmic manipulation, which we all know Twitter, Facebook, and Google use heavily.

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Here’s what the company’s press release had to say:

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MeWe has a different business model than other social media networks and doesn’t depend on selling user data. Instead, it offers paid premium service granting members additional services like cloud storage and custom emojis. MeWe gives members full control of their newsfeed and content for authentic sharing with friends, family, people with common interests, as well as following celebrities, artists, and influencers without the manipulation of ads or algorithms.

With the injection of capital from McCourt Global, MeWe will work to optimize the benefits of social media, continue to uphold their commitment to reject financial models that exploit member data, and expand the company’s global footprint. It will also advance the shared vision of a healthier digital ecosystem where members have more control over their personal information and online networks without manipulation by algorithms.

“Our stake in MeWe reflects our desire to give the power of the internet back to people and put individuals in control of their personal data,” said Frank McCourt. “We are eager to advance new models of innovation that empower internet users, help restore trust and privacy rights, and pave the way for a more equitable digital economy. Our investment in MeWe is not just about supporting one company’s unique and socially conscious approach to digital engagement, it’s ultimately about investing in a healthier digital community and society.”

MeWe Social

MeWe social is our chosen platform where we interact with our audience. While we have other social accounts, we have found this one to suit us best.

What do you think of this investment into MeWe social? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network. Be sure to subscribe to our RUMBLE channel as well!


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