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3D tech

Five ways 3D technology is changing the way we shop

Retail is an industry using 3D technology to change how we shop for items like clothes, tools, furniture, and decor.

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Phishing during the holiday online shopping season: How to stay safe

Phishing victims usually receive emails that look like messages from legitimate online vendors, such as Amazon and eBay.

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This is how we did email and internet shopping in 1984

1984, the year the Apple Macintosh came into being, the year Atari announced the Atari 7800 (then shelved it until 1986) and the year of … Read more…

Last Minute Gift Ideas For That Oddly Specific Geek In Your Life

Look, we all know that geeks can be picky and every single one is unique in our own (sometimes strange) way, but that’s no reason to not buy … Read more…

Google Now Helps You Shop: It Just Got Real, Folks


products searched avail nearby

Been searching for that new tablet on Google lately?  If so, Google may recommend, via Google Now, when you are near a store that carries it.  They will even conveniently tell you the price.  In one sense, this is the oldest rule of retail: the impulse purchase.  High margin impulse purchase items with high turnover are kept near the front of the store, tempting you to snag that candy bar or soft drink you’ve been thinking about since you saw it on the way in.

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